Guided tour (from 31st August 2024)

Panoramic story, visit the Wellington Tunnels

Conditions of tour

  • Duration of tour : 1h30
  • 17 people maximum per tour
  • Regular departures
  • Please wear warm clothing
  • Visite suivie par la projection d’un film de 10 minutes.

An immersive experience

Under the paving of Arras, lie impressive chalk quarries which were dug during the Middle Ages. During the Great War, Arras was destroyed as soon as 1914. From 1916, the Allies began preparing a diversion attack before Le Chemin des Dames assault. Their brilliant idea: the New-Zealand Tunnellers were in charge of linking up the quarries to create a true underground network where 24,000 soldiers could be quartered, waiting for the offensive to start.

The holiday period is very popular, and we welcome a very large number of visitors. We strongly advise you to book your ticket on our website.